Cell Server Physical Disk Commands In Exadata

 In Exadata Architecture , Cell Storage server plays one of the most crucial role of storing database's data , The number of the storage server available depends upon the cluster which we're choosing for our environment like Quarter RAC, HALF RAC & FULL RAC.  X8-M onward we also have the feature of elasticity for Database server & Stoarge server expansion , Below are the standard & widely use storage server in Exadata environment.










 Find Exadata Cluster Version

     Login As Root In Compute Node and execute below command

[root@exatest ~]# dmidecode -s  system-product-name


Note è We can’t execute cell or their disk related command at the compute node for that we need exacli that work on https rather than ssh user equivalency, In the absence of exacli and in order to execute cell’s and their component related command we must have to connect with cell server first. The administration of the cell storage server is one the day to day task for Exadata DBA and when we talk about the administration there are several commands that we use for the administration and monitoring purpose, although available commands are not limited as given below.

Find No. Of Storage Server Available In A cluster

 [root@exatest ~]# cat /u01/onecommand/cell_group








How To Connect With CellCLI Prompt

[root@exatest ~]# ssh exatestcel01

CellCLI: Release - Production on Fri Apr 07 10:39:58 UTC 2023

Copyright (c) 2007, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

[root@exatestcel01 ~]# cellcli


Note : Using Cellcli we can basically execute the command at local cell storage server , if we want to execute cell related command across all the cell storage server available in a cluster then we’ve to use dcli command , As of now we’re not covering dcli in this blog ,So all the command and output belongs to local storage server its component.


                              List Physical Disk Of  A Cell Server

CellCLI> list physicaldisk
         34:0            E1K5JW                  normal
         34:1            E1L9NC                  normal

                                 Find Physical Disk Detail

CellCLI> list physicaldisk detail
         name:                   34:0
         deviceId:               33
         diskType:               HardDisk
         enclosureDeviceId:      34
         errMediaCount:          0
         errOtherCount:          0
         foreignState:           false
         luns:                   0_0
         makeModel:              "SEAGATE ST360057SSUN600G"
         physicalFirmware:       0805
         physicalInsertTime:     2011-01-21T14:32:35-05:00
         physicalInterface:      sas
         physicalSerial:         XXXXXX
         physicalSize:           558.9109999993816G
         slotNumber:             0
         status:                 normal
         name:                   34:1
         deviceId:               32
         diskType:               HardDisk
         enclosureDeviceId:      34
         errMediaCount:          0
         errOtherCount:          0
         foreignState:           false
         luns:                   0_1
         makeModel:              "SEAGATE ST360057SSUN600G"
         physicalFirmware:       0805
         physicalInsertTime:     2011-01-21T14:32:40-05:00
         physicalInterface:      sas
         physicalSerial:         XXXXXX
         physicalSize:           558.9109999993816G
         slotNumber:             1
     status:          normal

                               Find The Detail Of A Particular Physical Disk

If we want to find the detail of a particular disk then we’ve to use the identifier of the target physical disk and “name” column in physical disk detail output is the identifier of the physical disk.

CellCLI> list physicaldisk 34:0
CellCLI> list physicaldisk 34:0 detail

            Find The Attribute Of The Phsyical Disk

CellCLI> list physicaldisk attributes name, disktype, makemodel, physicalrpm, physicalport, status
    normal         34:0            HardDisk        "SEAGATE ST360057SSUN600G"     
    normal         34:1            HardDisk        "SEAGATE ST360057SSUN600G" 

Note :Disktype attribute in above command is only relevant to disk not in cells

                Describe Disk Attribute

Describe command in cellcli  prompt works in the same way just like the sql provide

the output in a sqlprompt whenever we describe the table

CellCLI> describe physicaldisk

     Describe A Specific Attribute Or All Attribute Of A disk
There are 2 ways of describing the attribute of the disk either we can use “all” 
keyword or we can explicitly provide the name of each and every attribute.
 CellCLI> list physicaldisk attributes all
                              Describe Disk Attribute Using Where Clause 

Like SQL prompt , We can also use Where clause in CellCli prompt to filter the

attribute of a disk.

CellCLI> list physicaldisk attributes name, physicalInterface where disktype = 'HardDisk'

CellCLI> list physicaldisk attributes name, physicalInterface where disktype = 'FlashDisk'

List FlashDisk
There is no such commad of “LIST FLASHDISK” flashdisk are created on the top 
of physical disk
 CellCLI> list physicaldisk where diskType='Flashdisk'  
         [1:0:0:0]       5080020000f21a2FMOD0    normal
         [1:0:1:0]       5080020000f21a2FMOD1    normal

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