Oracle Exadata Storage

Exadata Storage cell servers are basically performing the work of storing database’s data and in addition to that due to the self-intelligence some other work also perform at the storage level like smart scan, HCC decompression etc. which basically boost database performance. Exadata RACK comes in various mode like quarter rack, half rack, full rack and now from X8M onward it also comes with elastic configuration in which we can increase storage and database server both, the no. of cell servers exists in the Exadata Rack vary from configuration to configuration. Below is the cell server configuration as per Exadata RACK.


No. Of Cell Server

Eight Rack

3 Cell Server

Quarter Rack

3 Cell Server

Half Rack

7 Cell Server

Full Rack

14 Cell Server

Irrespective of the Exadata Rack, in every configuration of Exadata rack cell servers comes with 12 SAS disk drives of uniform size in each and every cell storage server. For E.g. In a quarter rack Exadata machine there are 12 physical disk of uniform size resides under each and every cell storage server which provide the feature of high availability with the help of using the mirroring by ASM technology of RAC.

Prior to understand how the Exadata cell server work and how it provides high availability in addition to some other feature to boost performance as well, first of all we’ve to under the storage hierarchy of Exadata storage server.

Exadata RACK broadly comes with any of the storage server’s configuration in addition to Extended Storage.

High-Capacity Storage Server

Extreme Flash Storage Server

Extended Storage

Difference Between Eight Rack & Quarter Rack

The main difference between eight rack and quarter rack is the number of cores available at compute node and storage server both and also the storage capacity however the no. of database server & storage server will be as same as quarter rack in order to support maximum availability architecture (MAA).

Rack Size

Database Server     



Storage Server



HC Storage Server Capacity

Extreme Flash

Storage Server


Eight Rack

2xserver,48 cores

3xserver, 48cores

252TB Disk,38.4 TB Flash &4.5 TB PMEM




Quarter Rack

2xserver, 96 cores

3xserver,96 cores

504 TB Disk,76.8 TB Flash,4.5 TB  PMEM

153.6 TB Flash


4.5 TB  PMEM

High Capacity Exadata Cell Storage Server

A High-Capacity Storage Server comes with 12 Uniform size of physical disk in each and every cell storage server, In addition to that in high capacity storage server, 4 PCI NVMe memory flash card also comes with it with a size of it is 6.4 TB each which is 25.4 TB Approx. total in size.
Physical Disk: Physical disks are the normal SAS disk drives that comes with Exadata storage server and Exadata cell storage software has the ability to sense those physical disks.

1 Disk’s Size= 14 TB

12 disk * 14 TB each = 168 TB (Total Physical Disk Size in a single cell storage server)

LUN: LUNs are the logical abstraction unit which are mapped to Physical disk drives.

CELL DISK: Cell disks are mapped to LUNs which basically segregate the storage of LUNs in the form the cell disk.

GRID DISK: GRID Disks are mapped to cell disks and on the top of grid disk we consume storage in the form the asm disk group which is visible to ASM.

      Flash Storage Device In HIGH-CAPACITY Storage Server

Flash storage device is essentially a PCI NVMe flash card and in high capacity server it comes with 4 flash card of 6.4 TB each, Exadata smart flash cache and smart flash log created on the cell disk of Flash Card.

FLASH LUN: Flash LUNs are the logical abstraction unit which are mapped to Cell disks in the flash card and are used to allocate or segregate the storage area of flash card like the same we do with physical disks.

Cell disk: In Flash card we again map Flash LUNs to cell disks.

Flash Cache: In PCI NVMe flash card we mapped flash cache to cell disks

Flash Log: In PCI NVMe flash card we mapped flash log to cell disks.

      Extreme Flash Storage Server

Extreme flash storage Exadata RACK configuration comes with 8 flash drives of 6.4 TB each on the contrary of using physical SAS disk drives in high-capacity storage server in extreme flash storage server we use flash drive.

Flash LUN: In Extreme flash storage server flash drives are mapped to flash LUNs instead of physical disks.

Cell Disk: Flash LUNs are mapped to cell disks to segregate flash storage’s space.

Grid Disk: Like High-capacity storage server, Cell Disk are again mapped to grid disk to consume storage area and to make it available for the databases running in compute node.

Flash Cache: On the contrary to high-capacity storage server, in extreme flash PCI NVMe flash cards are not available and smart flash cache and smart flash log also mapped to flash drives.

NOTE: In Extreme flash storage, 95% of the PCI NVMe flash drive’s space is use for data storage and only 5% is allocated for smart flash cache and smart flash log.

 Persistent Memory in High Capacity & Extreme Flash

From X8M onward persistent memory also comes into the role which is also a major contributor to boost database’s performance and it comes with Exadata RACK irrespective of the storage server we choose and it’s a sharable cache between servers.

            DB host directly access the data from persistent memory using RDMA n/w which eliminate the CPU & OS cycle of compute node.

            Persistent memory is essentially a memory card and it comes with a size of 1.5TB out of which 128GB is allocated to each and every cell disk in a single cell storage server and it place in between the flash cache and storage server.

 128 GB Of Persistent memory allocated to one cell disk

128 GB X 12 Cell Disk = 1536GB (1.5 TB Approx)

PMEM LUN: PMEM device mapped to PMEM LUNs to allocate storage area

Cell Disk: PMEM LUNs are mapped to cell disk to segregate storage area of PMEM   LUN

PMEM CACHE: Cell disks are mapped to pmem cache to consume storage area

PMEM LOG: Cell disks are mapped to pmem log to consume storage area

NOTE A: Almost 95% of the storage area of PMEM LUNs are allocated to PMEM cache

NOTE B: In Exadata RACK storage server cell disk are one of the mandatory part which we use to segregate allocated space whether it’s cell disk, flash card, flash drive, PMEM Memory Card etc.


              Extended storage server

It’s basically use t achieve a lower cost as flash is not included into it and also storage server software is optional in this storage server this type of storage server is primarily used to store rarely accessed data.

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